Wednesday, April 25, 2018

To My Daughter

I’m addressing this poem to you because
I know you think beyond the blue horizon of the sky
That wraps its million arms around us and you try
To wrap your mind around the concept of infinity,

And for you, it’s a real stretch still, with your mind so open
But unable to grasp it. No one can.
But most stop trying. You haven’t, and I hope you never do.
Your mind is always climbing the invisible ladder

That in my quiet moments I still imagine myself climbing up,
Hand over hand into the sky, never reaching the thing
I am striving for.

I remember when my bones were a cradle for yours,
Before you were born, and after,
And how nothing could crush you without crushing me too.
It’s still true. But now you’re you.

Most of the time, I am lost in my thoughts,
Feeling my being in the wrap of time, and stretching my hands
Outside of it into the dark, looking for the spark
Of the infinite, and I see you doing that too.

I hope you find it if I don’t. I hope time never wraps its ropes
Around your being too tightly. Because you exist
Outside the scope of all of this, and you rightly deny
The pull of time’s demands. You stand

With one foot in this world and one in the other,
And I can never lay claim to your future, but as your Mother,
I want you to know that I see you.